The Internet continues to evolve, and digital file-sharing is turning into a norm– it’s something that both businesses and individuals find very useful. As a matter of fact, “file hosting” and cloud computing are the two catchphrases that have become very popular. However, contrary to popular belief, these two aren’t the same. They are two different terms and each has its own set of pros and cons.
File Hosting VS Cloud Computing
File hosting services are a popular choice because they offer a wide range of services for businesses. One of which is that it builds an intranet, and it also makes managing of internal network easier. File hosting has been available for decades– it has been there ever since the Internet began to offer cloud-storage solutions. On the other hand, cloud computing is somewhat new as compared to file hosting. However, it has a broader scope in a sense that it could connect with all aspects of a company’s software, but that’s not all. Cloud computing also offers file sharing across a wide spectrum. The best way to describe it is that it’s almost similar to a cloud.
It’s also worth noting that file hosting is more localize and it’s focused on an internal basis of helping people to be on the same page, while cloud computing goes beyond this.
The Benefits of File Sharing
With file sharing, Katfile offers the option of being able to handle a specific network. For example, with smaller companies, this can be a practical and affordable solution because they can choose a platform that they’re most comfortable with. They also don’t have to worry about unnecessary and extra fees at all. Likewise, since it’s industry standard amount IT professionals, companies won’t have to worry about fixing problems whenever they happen.
The Drawback
Unfortunately, it’s somewhat limited, and this is where cloud computing enters the scene. Businesses always want to get a comprehensive sharing solution, and they definitely don’t want to use a hosting site that would fail to deliver.
The Benefits of Cloud Computing
What’s remarkable about cloud computing is that it works on several platforms since it’s not a locally stored piece of technology. Instead, it’s an intangible network of shared data. Basically, it takes the information to the level as it ensures unlimited space which is perfect for business purposes.
The Drawback
Cloud computing may be a little risky as it can be intangible. That’s why those who uses cloud computing are also taking the risk by having their entire network remotely monitored. Also, instead of calling for professional help, there are businesses that solely rely on cloud computing to handle their issues.
For some, they believe that cloud computing and file sharing is a shift away from IT staff, and this means that the company might actually spend more over time– whenever problems arise instead of having a technician handle everything. Despite that, cloud computing and file sharing offers a number of benefits for both personal and commercial use. It has a wide range of capabilities that every user can take advantage of.